Welcome to Meica! Managed by the fourth generation, Meica has his home in Edewecht, Lower Saxony, since 1908. From here, Meica delivers its products, manufactured with care and in the best quality, to around 30 countries. Everyone knows that Meica makes sausages: with the well-known brands Deutschländer, Mini Wini and Trueman's, Meica is the market leader for canned sausages and produces the most successful curry sausage in food retail - the Curry King as well as the popular Bratmaxe range. Stews and kale products complete the Meica range.
But we are about more than just products - our vision is that everyone, everywhere, can enjoy hearty meals and snacks that give you a feeling of warmth and security. This is the vision that all Meica employees strive for, work with and act upon, and we are proud that the trust in our brands and products is passed down from generation to generation.